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anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
artifact any object made by human beings, especially one of an earlier era.
artificial made by human beings; not natural. [1/2 definitions]
bosom the front part of a human being's chest, especially that of a woman. [1/2 definitions]
cave dweller a human being who lives or lived in a cave.
cave man a human being who lived in a cave thousands of years ago; cave dweller.
Christian A Christian is a believer in the religion of Christianity. Christians believe there is one powerful God who created the world and everything in it. Christians believe that Jesus Christ, a person who lived 2000 years ago, is the son of God. Christians believe that Jesus Christ brought understanding of God to human beings and taught people how to please God by being good to others. [1/2 definitions]
domesticated of plants, adapted to the needs of human beings and unable to grow and reproduce without the work of humans. [1/2 definitions]
dying A dying thing or person is a living thing or human being that is close to death.
equal Someone who is your equal is the same as you, and not more or less than you. If your brother is your equal at playing football, it means that your brother has the same skill as you do in football. He is no better and no worse. When people are equals as human beings, they deserve the same amount of respect and the same rights as each other. [1/4 definitions]
evil Evil is the complete opposite of kindness and goodness. If there is evil in people, it makes them do terrible things that hurt other people or animals. Some people don't believe that there is evil in human beings. Other people believe that all people have some evil in them and some good. [1/3 definitions]
exploration Exploration is the act of traveling through and finding out about places that you or other people know very little about. This can mean going to places where nobody has ever been before. Sometimes, during exploration, people discover other human beings living in the place they are traveling through and learning about. Sometimes, if the climate is too harsh, they do not find any people living there. [1/2 definitions]
he1 the male human being or animal that is being discussed or was recently referred to. [3 definitions]
human a person; human being. Humans are part of the group of mammals called primates. [1/2 definitions]
human being A human being is a person.
humanity the race of human beings; people. [1/3 definitions]
individual a single human being; person. [1/5 definitions]
man an adult male human being. [2/4 definitions]
man-made made or formed by human beings; not natural.
mortal having to do with human beings; human. [2/5 definitions]
Muslim A Muslim is a person who believes in the religion of Islam. Muslims believe in one powerful God, Allah, who created all things in the world. Muslims believe that Mohammad, a person who lived about 1400 years ago, is God's most important messenger to human beings. For a Muslim, the most important things in life are to love and serve God. [1/2 definitions]