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abstract When a painting or sculpture is abstract, you can't tell what it is. It has shapes and maybe color, but it's not a clear picture of anything. The artist may be trying to suggest a feeling or idea or maybe even people and things, but the artist is not trying to show those people and things as they are in reality. [1/3 definitions]
advice an idea or opinion offered as help in making a choice or a decision.
allegory a story that is written or told to represent an idea or belief. [1/2 definitions]
approve When you approve of something, you think it is an OK thing or an OK idea. [1/3 definitions]
argument An argument is a thing you say or write to make people agree with you about something. An argument is a reason for your idea or opinion and why you think it is correct. An argument is a kind of support to help you convince other people of something that you believe. [1/2 definitions]
association the connection of one idea, feeling, or emotion with another. [1/4 definitions]
attachment a strong feeling of friendship or loyalty to a person, place, thing, or idea. [1/3 definitions]
belief trust in a person, thing, or idea; confidence. [2/3 definitions]
birthplace the place of birth or origin of a person, idea, or movement.
brainstorm a bright idea or sudden inspiration. [1/2 definitions]
Buddhist A Buddhist is a person who believes in the ideas of Buddhism. Buddhism is a way of thinking about the world and how to live a peaceful life. 2,500 years ago, a man named Siddhartha was a prince in India. It is said that he left his easy life and went out into the world to try to understand why people have sadness and pain in their lives. He wanted to know what people can do about these things. After studying and thinking a lot, he "woke up" to the idea that pain and suffering are part of life but that people can still be happy by leading very simple lives and being good to others. Siddhartha began to teach other people these things, and, after some time, he came to be known as Buddha, one who has "woken up" to a great truth.
cause an idea or goal that many are interested in. [1/4 definitions]
conceive to form an idea or concept (usually followed by "of"). [1/4 definitions]
concept a general idea or thought.
cradle the beginning place of an event or idea. [1/4 definitions]
dawn When something dawns on you, it means that some idea or understanding suddenly enters your mind. [1/5 definitions]
dismiss When you dismiss an idea or suggestion, you say no to it or ignore it because you do not think it is important or you don't think it's a good idea. [1/3 definitions]
do1 "Do" is sometimes used before other verbs. If you say, "I do like hot dogs," do is used before the verb "like" to make the idea of liking more strongly positive. You probably say "I do like hot dogs" because the person you're talking to seems to think you DON'T like hot dogs. [1/9 definitions]
draw a blank to be unable to produce an idea, solution, or answer. [1/2 definitions]
emphasis stress given to a particular word, phrase, or idea. [1/2 definitions]
entertain When you entertain an idea, you have it in your mind as a possibility. If you entertain the idea that you will become a pilot one day, you are considering this as something you might like to do in the future. [1/3 definitions]