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cinema Cinema is the art or industry of producing movies. [1/2 definitions]
graphite a soft black or gray form of carbon. It is the writing material in pencils, and it has many uses in industry.
green of a company or industry, producing products that do little damage to the environment and producing them in a way that conserves energy from sources like coal and oil. A green company or industry does not pollute the air or water in making its products, or does so as little as possible. [1/11 definitions]
Hollywood an area within the city of Los Angeles, California where many movies are made and that is often seen as representing the U.S. film industry.
India India is a large country in Asia. Some of its neighbors are Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Part of India is a large peninsula that sticks out into the Indian Ocean. India has very high mountains in the north, but it has jungles and deserts in the south. India is home to elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers. In the farming areas of India, farmers grow a lot of rice for food and cotton to make cloth. India has many, many people and very large, modern cities. Movies are a big industry in India. India makes more movies per year than any other country.
industrial having to do with the making of goods and services by industry. [1/2 definitions]
industrialize to bring industry into; make industrial.
industry An industry is a business that makes things to sell. [2 definitions]
prime If something is prime, it is the first in importance. The prime industry of a country, for example, is the most important industry. [1/5 definitions]
shipping a group of ships that belong to a single industry or country. [1/2 definitions]
strike When the majority of workers at a certain factory, or within a certain industry, stop working and refuse to go back to work, it's called a strike. A strike can occur when workers are very unhappy about their level of pay or about their working conditions or both. A strike will continue until the workers get something they want or until they are forced to give up their demands and just go back to work. [1/13 definitions]
technology a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry, or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas. [2 definitions]
Third World countries that are poor and that depend on farming rather than business and industry for income.
tycoon a rich, powerful person in business or industry.
work the location or operation of a particular business or industry. (plural) [1/10 definitions]