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a dime a dozen (informal) plentiful and easy to get; common; cheap.
adore (informal) to like very much. [1/3 definitions]
aggravate (informal) to bother or annoy. [1/2 definitions]
ain't (informal) a contraction of "am not," "is not," "are not," "have not," or "has not."
alibi (informal) an excuse. [1/2 definitions]
around (informal) about; nearby. [1/12 definitions]
around the bend (informal) crazy; insane.
at full blast (informal) at maximum speed, volume, or power.
atrocious (informal) very bad; awful. [1/2 definitions]
bad guy (informal) In a story, "the bad guy" is the person who causes trouble for the good characters. "The bad guy" is usually mean or evil, or just doesn't care about other people.
badmouth (informal) to speak of in a way that is not kind or fair.
bail1 (informal) to help out of a difficult situation (often followed by "out"). [1/3 definitions]
bail out (informal) to jump from an airplane with a parachute.
ball2 (informal) a very good time or experience. [1/2 definitions]
bank on (informal) to count on.
bawl out (informal) to scold loudly.
beat (informal) very tired; exhausted. [1/9 definitions]
beat the tar out of (informal) to beat or whip severely. [1/2 definitions]
beef (informal) a complaint. [1/2 definitions]
bellybutton (informal) the navel.
be on to (informal) to have inside information about.