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FBI the U.S. government agency responsible for investigating crimes against national laws. "FBI" is an abbreviation of "Federal Bureau of Investigation."
investigation An investigation is a thorough way of trying to find out answers to something. When police do an investigation, they ask people questions, they look at many things, and they do a lot of checking in order to get facts. Scientists often carry out investigations too.
laboratory a place used for scientific investigation and experiments. [1/3 definitions]
result The results of your experiment, investigation, or search are the pieces of information you get at the end. The results are what you find out, and the results are what you are really interested in. [1/4 definitions]
study a close look at something; investigation. [2/10 definitions]
survey A survey is kind of investigation that looks over a wide area or topic and tries to find answers to certain questions. For example, scientists might want to find out how many kinds of frogs are living in the world's rainforests or how many people in a certain country own a house. A survey can also be a summary of an investigation like this. [1/2 definitions]
trace1 to discover through investigation. [1/6 definitions]