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angel a person who has great goodness and kindness. [1/2 definitions]
bless When a priest or other person blesses someone or something, they ask God to protect or show special kindness to them. [1/2 definitions]
callous not having kindness; not sensitive; having a hard heart. [1/2 definitions]
charity the quality of not judging others in a harsh way; kindness; good will. [1/3 definitions]
cold-blooded done without kindness or other feelings; cruel. [1/2 definitions]
courtesy a kindness or favor. [1/2 definitions]
deed A deed is a particular action that a person decides to do. A deed has special meaning or importance even if it is a small thing. A person's deed usually affects other people. It often requires courage or strong intention. A deed can be a good thing, like a kindness, or it can be a bad thing, like a crime. [1/2 definitions]
evil Evil is the complete opposite of kindness and goodness. If there is evil in people, it makes them do terrible things that hurt other people or animals. Some people don't believe that there is evil in human beings. Other people believe that all people have some evil in them and some good. [1/3 definitions]
good kindness; virtue. [1/12 definitions]
grateful feeling thankful or showing thanks for kindness or something pleasing.
hard without kindness or softness. [1/9 definitions]
heartless having or showing no kindness or sympathy; not sharing another's pain.
humane showing kindness or mercy.
kindly showing or having kindness. [1/3 definitions]
kindness When someone has kindness, they act in a nice and caring way toward other people or animals. [2 definitions]
mercy If a judge treats a prisoner with mercy, the judge does not punish the prisoner as much as he or she could. If a student does something very wrong and the school principal shows mercy to them, the principal gives them only a mild punishment, or they stop the punishment they are already giving. Mercy is a type of kindness or a kind way of treating someone. [1/3 definitions]
pet1 a person who is treated better than others or with special kindness; favorite. [1/4 definitions]
right A right is something that you have or that you are allowed to do because of a law. For example, men and women have the right to vote because there is a law that says they can. For many people, a right is also something that animals or people should have or be able to do, even if there is no actual law about it. It is something that people believe is simply fair. Many people believe, for example, that animals have a right to be treated with kindness, but in many places there is no law about it. [1/15 definitions]
tender1 showing love or kindness in a gentle way. [1/4 definitions]
thankful When you are thankful, you feel or show that you appreciate something. If you are thankful for something, you feel lucky that you have it, or you feel like you want to say "Thank you!" to someone for it. You can be thankful for something even if it isn't exactly what you want. You can be thankful just for someone's kindness.
understanding When you show understanding toward someone, you show kindness and patience. [1/5 definitions]