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bump to knock against or hit, often by accident. [1/7 definitions]
destruction Destruction is the act of damaging something completely. If you see workers knock down a building, you see the destruction of that building. [1/2 definitions]
down1 to knock over; cause to fall. [1/13 definitions]
hit When you hit a ball, you knock it hard with something and send the ball away from you. [1/7 definitions]
joust a real or pretend fight between two knights on horseback. Each knight tries to knock the other off his horse with a lance. [1/2 definitions]
knock When you knock on a door, you hit the door to make a noise. [4 definitions]
knock down When something is standing and you knock it down, you make it fall so that it is lying on the ground or on some surface.
knock over When you knock something over, you hit it and it falls down.
rap1 a quick blow or sharp knock. [2/4 definitions]
react When a person reacts to something, they feel or act in a certain way because of something that's happened. When people hear a joke that is funny, they usually react by laughing. When people hear something very sad, they might react by crying. If a person touches something very hot, they usually react by pulling their hand away. When an animal reacts, it responds to something. If a dog hears a knock at the door, it might react by barking. If a deer hears a loud noise, it might react by quickly leaping away. [1/2 definitions]
thud a blow, fall, or knock that causes such a sound. [1/3 definitions]
thump a blow or knock that makes a heavy, dull sound. [1/5 definitions]
tournament a contest in medieval times between knights on horseback carrying lances. Each rider would try to knock the other off his horse as they rode toward each other. [1/2 definitions]
trick-or-treat When you trick-or-treat, you do a certain special thing on the holiday of Halloween. You put on a costume in the evening and go to different neighbors' houses. At each house, you knock on the door. When a friendly neighbor opens the door, you say in a loud voice, "Trick or treat!" Then the neighbor usually smiles at you in your costume and gives you a treat, such as candy, popcorn, or fruit.