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bound2 to leap; spring. [2 definitions]
buck2 of an animal, to leap off the ground and come down with stiff front legs. [1/3 definitions]
caper1 to leap, hop, or skip about in a playful way; frolic. [2/3 definitions]
catapult to spring up or forward as though thrown by a catapult; leap. [1/4 definitions]
February the second month of the year. February usually has twenty-eight days, but it has twenty-nine days in a leap year.
frisk to leap or skip in a lively and happy way. [1/2 definitions]
gazelle A gazelle is a mammal with short fur, long legs, and long horns. A gazelle's fur is gold, brown, and white. Gazelles are very fast when they run and leap. Gazelles live in Africa and Asia.
hop1 to make a short, quick leap or leaps. [3/4 definitions]
hurdle a barrier over which a runner or horse must leap in the course of certain races. [3/4 definitions]
jump to leap over. [1/11 definitions]
leap to spring into the air, moving straight up or to another position. [4/3 definitions]
leapt a past tense and past participle of "leap."
lunge a sudden movement toward something; thrust, leap, or dive. [2 definitions]
pole vault an athletic event in which a person uses a long pole to leap over a bar set high above the ground.
slide When a baseball player slides, they fall from a running position and let their feet and legs slide along the ground toward the base. Another way a player can slide is to leap toward the base with their arms out and let their arms and chest slide over the ground. Sliding is way to reach the base faster than running all the way to the base. [1/8 definitions]
squirrel A squirrel is a small, furry animal that is usually gray or brown. It has a long bushy tail, small ears, and whiskers. Squirrels climb very well in trees and easily leap from branch to branch.
stride (often plural) a forward leap; progress. [1/3 definitions]
vault2 to jump, leap, or spring over, using the hands or a pole as a support. [2 definitions]