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ability An ability is something you are able to do. Humans have the ability to learn different languages. [1/2 definitions]
academic Something that is academic has to do with school or what people learn in school. [1/2 definitions]
advanced When something is at a much higher level than the beginning level, it is advanced. If you've been playing the drums for five years, you will be at a more advanced level than someone who is just starting to learn.
already "Already" sometimes means "from an earlier time." If you already have a spoon, for example, then you don't need a spoon now. If you already know something, then you don't need to learn that thing or hear about it now. If the soup for lunch is already made, then there is no reason to make soup now. [1/3 definitions]
anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
any If someone says that any child can learn, they mean that each and every child can learn. [1/5 definitions]
apprentice someone who works for somebody else to learn that person's skill or trade. [1/2 definitions]
apt able to learn quickly. [1/3 definitions]
aptitude ability to learn quickly. [1/2 definitions]
ascertain to learn without question; determine.
autism Autism is a certain problem with the mind. Autism develops in some children, and in these children it begins to show when they are very young. Autism continues in people even when they become adults, though. When a child has autism, they have problems with language and problems interacting with other people. Some children may seem as if they are not interested in other people at all. Some children with autism have difficulty learning language, and those who learn language well may have difficulty knowing how to use language with other people. They may talk about the same thing all the time, for example.
basic Basic things are things that are the simplest and most important. You need to learn basic things before other things. If you are learning to ride a bicycle, keeping your balance is the basic thing that you have to learn. After that, you can learn things like how to ride up a hill. [2/3 definitions]
brain The brain is the part of the body that is inside your head. You use your brain to think and learn and to control the actions of your body. [1/2 definitions]
bright quick to learn; smart. [1/5 definitions]
capable When you are capable, you have the skills to do something well. A capable mechanic is someone who can fix a car well. A capable teacher is good at helping students learn. [1/2 definitions]
chemistry lab A chemistry lab is a special room in a school. In a chemistry lab, students can see what happens when certain chemicals come together with other chemicals. They can also learn how things happen in nature by watching something similar in the classroom.
chess1 Chess is a game played by two people in which each player has sixteen pieces that include a king and a queen. Chess pieces can only move on the board in certain ways, so players have to learn how each type of piece can move. You win the game by taking the other player's king.
class a group of students who meet together to learn in school. [2/8 definitions]
convention A convention is a very large meeting of people who all have the same interest in something. They often have the same type of job or position. They might all be doctors, for example. People go to a convention to learn new things or to decide something important with the others. People often come from a long distance to be at a convention. Conventions usually go on for a few days, so people often stay at hotels. [1/2 definitions]
curiosity the desire to learn or know. [1/2 definitions]
curious eager to learn or know. [1/2 definitions]