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cheetah A cheetah is a large wild cat. It is smaller than a lion or tiger, but it has long legs, and it can run faster than any other animal on land. A cheetah has gold fur with many black spots. Cheetahs live in Africa and parts of Asia
cub the young offspring of some carnivorous mammals, such as the bear, lion, and wolf.
lion A lion is a large, strong animal in the cat family. Lions have short, tan fur, and they have sharp teeth and claws. They eat meat and are very good hunters. Lions live in Africa and some parts of Asia.
lioness a female lion.
lynx A lynx is a kind of wild cat. It is much bigger than a pet cat, but it is smaller than a leopard or lion. Lynxes have soft fur with spots, and they have a short tail. They live in Europe, North America, and Asia.
pretend When young children pretend something, they use their imagination to act like someone or something that they are not. They might act like a lion or a pirate or a monster, for example. They might act as if they are in some other place or time. They might also have fun imagining, for example, that a big box is a fort, or a broom is something that they can fly on. Little children pretend a lot, but older children and adults sometimes pretend things too. [1/3 definitions]
roar When a lion roars, it produces a long, deep, and loud sound from its mouth. When people roar, they make a long, deep, and loud shout, because they are angry, hurt, or excited. [1/4 definitions]
sea lion A sea lion is a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. A sea lion has a smooth body and a face with round eyes and whiskers around its small nose. Sea lions look similar to another sea animal called a seal, but they are not the same animal. Sea lions have a large, strong tail and large front flippers that are bigger than the flippers that seals have. Sea lions' tails and their long flippers allow them to sit up. Humans sometimes train sea lions to do tricks.
simile a figure of speech in which two different things are compared by using the words "like" or "as." "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is an example of a simile.
than "Than" is a word we often use in sentences that compare two things. For example, if you are comparing the sizes of animals, you can say that a dog is bigger than a rabbit or that a cat is smaller than a lion.