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Children's Dictionary
accommodation a change that has been made to adapt a thing to someone's needs. [1/2 definitions]
acid made of or containing an acid. [1/4 definitions]
ad-lib made up or said without practice; not rehearsed. [1/2 definitions]
adobe a building material of clay mixed with straw that has been dried by the sun and made into bricks. [2 definitions]
affirmative action a policy to make sure certain groups of people are given a fair chance for jobs and education. In particular, this policy is for minority groups and women who were not given these opportunities in the past. Regulations made by the U.S. government support affirmative action.
agate a playing marble that is made of or looks like this stone. [1/2 definitions]
air the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. Air is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases, and has no taste, odor, or color. [1/6 definitions]
album a musical recording that is made up of a few or several pieces of music. [1/2 definitions]
alcohol a clear liquid that burns easily and can be made from certain grains and fruits. Alcohol is present in such drinks as beer, wine, and whiskey. It is also used in making medicines and chemicals. [1/2 definitions]
all-American made up only of Americans or of parts made in America. [1/2 definitions]
alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
all-star made up entirely of the best players or performers.
ambush a surprise attack made from a hidden place. [2/3 definitions]
amendment an official change made to a bill, law, or other document.
ammonia the liquid made from mixing ammonia gas with water. Certain cleaners are made with ammonia. [1/2 definitions]
amoeba a tiny living thing made of only one cell. Amoebas move by changing their shape. They eat by wrapping their bodies around their food. Amoebas live in fresh and salt water, soil, and in animals. Most kinds of amoebas can only be seen through a microscope.
angle1 the figure made by two lines coming from a single point. [1/4 definitions]
Angora (often lower case) yarn or cloth made from either of these kinds of hair. Angora is used to make sweaters and other articles of clothing. [1/3 definitions]
angular made up of, having, or forming one or more angles. [1/2 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a series of drawings showing stages of movement. The motion seems real when the drawings are shown quickly one after another.
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.