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acre a unit of area equal to 43,560 square feet, used to measure land. The acre is a standard unit of measurement in the United States and the United Kingdom.
geometry the area of mathematics concerned with the study of shapes and objects. Geometry deals with the measurement and relation of angles, points, lines, planes, and solid figures. [1/2 definitions]
kilobyte a unit of measurement equal to 1,024 bytes. Kilobytes are used to measure the amount of electronic information that can be stored by a computer. (abbreviated: k)
magnitude the unit of measurement for the brightness of a star or other body in space. [2/4 definitions]
measure to have as a measurement. [1/7 definitions]
measurement When we talk about measurement, we are talking about finding out the size, weight, or amount of something. When we measure something, we find out things like how heavy it is, how long it is, or how tall it is. [2 definitions]
megabyte a unit of measurement equal to 1,048,576 bytes. Megabytes are used to measure the amount of electronic information that can be stored by a computer.
metric1 having to do with the metric or international system of measurement.
peck1 a unit of measurement of grains and other dry things. A peck is equal to eight quarts, one fourth of a bushel, or 8.81 liters. [1/2 definitions]
reading the point shown on an instrument of measurement. [1/3 definitions]
teaspoon a unit of measurement used in cooking equal to one third of a tablespoon. (abbreviation: tsp.) [1/2 definitions]
temperature the measurement of heat or cold as shown in degrees on a thermometer. [1/3 definitions]
thick large in measurement from one side of a surface to the opposite side; not thin in the smallest dimension of something. [1/6 definitions]
thickness the measurement of the distance between the two sides of something. [1/3 definitions]
unit a fixed amount that is used as a standard of measurement. [1/4 definitions]
wide having an exact measurement from side to side. [1/7 definitions]