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ban1 When something is banned, it is not allowed because of a rule or law. If a school bans a book, then no one is allowed to read it. If a new law bans a kind of medicine, then companies cannot sell it anymore and doctors cannot give it. [1/2 definitions]
beverage any liquid for drinking, except water or medicine.
camphor a white substance with a very strong smell that is taken from the camphor tree. A form of camphor can also be made by people. Camphor is used in making some kinds of medicine and plastic.
capsule a tiny case that holds one dose of medicine. Capsules are made of gelatin and dissolve when swallowed. [1/2 definitions]
cashew a tropical American evergreen tree. A gum used in medicine is obtained from the bark. [1/2 definitions]
compress a soft pad of cloth, used to put pressure, cold, heat, or medicine on some part of the body. [1/3 definitions]
consume When you consume something, you eat it, drink it, or swallow it like medicine. [1/3 definitions]
cough drop A cough drop is medicine that tastes a little like hard candy. You suck on a cough drop when you have a cough or sore throat.
cure If you are sick, maybe you take some medicine. If you become well again because of the medicine, it means that the medicine cures you. If a doctor helps you get well, it means that the doctor cures you. [1/3 definitions]
dental of or related to dentists or dental medicine. [1/2 definitions]
doctor A doctor is a person who cares for and gives medicine to sick people or animals. [1/2 definitions]
dose an amount of medicine to be taken at one time or at certain times.
dress When you dress a wound, you take care of it by doing things like cleaning it, putting medicine on it, and putting a bandage on it. [1/6 definitions]
dressing a bandage or medicine used to cover a wound. [1/3 definitions]
drug a substance used to cure or heal; medicine. [1/3 definitions]
druggist a person who has a license to prepare and sell medicine; pharmacist.
drugstore a store that sells medicine. Drugstores often also sell candy, cosmetics, magazines, and other things.
effective When something is effective, it is able to make a thing happen that you want to happen. If a medicine is effective, it works. It does what you want it to do. [1/2 definitions]
ether a liquid that makes a person unable to think, feel, or move. Ether burns easily, has a strong smell, and was once used in medicine to make people unconscious during surgery.
eyedropper a small glass or plastic tube used to apply drops of medicine, especially to the eyes.
field A field is an area of study, work, or interest. When someone works in the field of medicine, it means that they work in the area of medicine. They could be a nurse, doctor, or do some other work that has to do with medicine. [1/5 definitions]