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alloy If people mix one type of metal with another type of metal, they make an "alloy." An alloy is a substance made by mixing two or more metals together. If people mix one type of metal with some other kind of substance, the new substance is also called an "alloy."
beat When you beat something, you mix it quickly and with a lot of energy. [1/7 definitions]
blend to mix enough so that there no longer seem to be separate parts or ingredients. [1/4 definitions]
combination When you mix or put things together, what you get is called a combination. [1/2 definitions]
combine When you combine things, you put them together or mix them together. If you combine dirt and water, you make mud. [2/3 definitions]
compost Compost is something that is good to mix with soil to grow new things. Compost is made up of things like old vegetables, dead plants, and dead leaves. [2 definitions]
compound1 to mix or combine. [1/6 definitions]
confuse to cause misunderstanding, or to make understanding difficult or impossible; mix up; bewilder. [1/2 definitions]
dissolve to mix completely with liquid. [1/5 definitions]
from scratch If you cook or bake something from scratch, you do it using basic ingredients and basic methods. If you bake a cake from scratch, you measure and combine things like flour, sugar, eggs, salt, oil, and water. You don't buy a cake mix at the store. [1/2 definitions]
gray Gray is the color of the sky before it rains. When you mix black and white together, you get the color gray. [1/4 definitions]
hubbub a confusing mix of loud sounds such as voices; uproar.
integrate to bring together and mix into a whole. [1/2 definitions]
jumble to mix up; confuse. [1/4 definitions]
knead to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling. [1/2 definitions]
melt to fade or mix, as from one state to another (often followed by "away," "in," or "into"). [1/4 definitions]
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
mingle to bring together; mix. [1/2 definitions]
mix When you mix things, you put them together so that they are not separate things anymore. We often mix things when we bake or cook. [3/4 definitions]
mongrel a plant or animal that is a mix of two or more breeds or kinds.
muddle to cause to be confused; mix up. [1/4 definitions]