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atmosphere a feeling or mood created by a particular place or a work of art. [1/3 definitions]
crank (informal) a person who is always grouchy or in a bad mood. [1/4 definitions]
cranky in a bad mood; grouchy.
cross in a bad mood. [1/10 definitions]
crummy of a person's mood or physical condition, somewhat bad or unhappy. [1/2 definitions]
dark When a movie is dark, bad or scary things happen in it. Dark magic is magic that causes bad things to happen. If you are in a dark mood, you have angry or bad thoughts. [1/6 definitions]
depressed When someone is depressed, they are in a very sad mood, sometimes for a long time.
depression a mood characterized by deep sadness or low spirits. [1/4 definitions]
disposition a person's usual mood or attitude. [1/2 definitions]
emoticon (from emotion icon) a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters that is placed in an e-mail; smiley. An emoticon shows the mood of the writer, such as :-( and :-D
gay of or in a happy mood; merry. [1/2 definitions]
get up on the wrong side of the bed to be in a bad mood from early in the day.
gloom a mood or air of sadness or sorrow. [1/2 definitions]
good-natured having or showing a pleasant, cheerful, or friendly character or mood.
grouch a person who is often in a bad mood or who often complains. [1/2 definitions]
grumpy in a bad mood; cross.
huff a state of bad temper; an angry mood. [1/2 definitions]
humor a mood or state of mind. [2/4 definitions]
imperative of or describing the mood of the verb used to make demands or give orders. [1/2 definitions]
lift When something lifts your mood or your spirits, it means that it makes you feel happier. [1/9 definitions]
mood1 Your mood is the way you feel at a certain time. Sometimes you're in a good mood, sometimes you're in a bad mood, and sometimes you're just in an OK mood. There are other kinds of moods too.