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ash2 a tree that is related to the olive tree. It has seeds that look like wings and leaves of more than one part. [1/2 definitions]
cardinal A cardinal is a bird that is native to North America. It is easy to recognize a male cardinal because it has bright red feathers and a kind of black mask around its beak. The adult female cardinal is brown and olive green with bits of red showing through. Cardinals can often be seen in the winter in places where it's cold. [1/2 definitions]
olive a small green or black fruit with a pit. Olives are eaten raw or used to make olive oil. [4 definitions]
olive oil oil pressed from ripe olives. Olive oil is used for cooking.
water moccasin a venomous snake found in swamps or wet areas of the southern United States. The water moccasin is brown or olive in color and shows the white inside of its mouth when threatened.