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absurd of, showing, or having to do with the belief that there is no meaning or order in life or in the universe. [1/2 definitions]
absurdity the condition or quality of being absurd, of being completely contrary to logic or the normal order of things. [2 definitions]
adaptable having the ability to adjust to particular needs or conditions. [1/2 definitions]
adjust to change in order to fit in; get used to. [1/3 definitions]
adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring. [1/2 definitions]
advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support. [1/3 definitions]
advertising the act, job, or business of designing and putting out notices to the public, usually in order to sell a product or service. [2 definitions]
advocate An advocate is a person who speaks for others in order to defend them or help them in some way. [1/3 definitions]
after later in time than, or behind in order. [1/7 definitions]
aggression The use of force or violence against another in order to dominate or achieve one's own goals. [1/2 definitions]
ahead of time If you do something ahead of time, you do it before some event that is going to happen. Sometimes you have to do something ahead of time so that you can be ready for the actual event when it happens. Sometimes you have to do something ahead of time in order to prevent any problems.
alphabet the letters of a written language, given in proper order.
alphabetical arranged in the order of the alphabet.
alphabetize to arrange in the order of the alphabet.
analysis a careful study of the parts of something in order to understand more about the whole. [2 definitions]
application An application is a request to do something, especially a request for a job, or a request to get into a college or other special school, or a request for permission for something. There is usually a form people have to fill out or other things they have to write or do in order to make their application. The form that people fill out is also called an "application." [1/3 definitions]
arrange to put in some kind of order, pattern, or design. [1/3 definitions]
arrangement the act of putting things in order or in some particular way that is desired. [1/5 definitions]
array to put in order or position; organize or arrange. [1/5 definitions]
assembly Assembly is the process of joining things together in order to make one thing that you can use. [1/3 definitions]
assistance Assistance is the help that people give to other people, or the things that are given in order to help. [1/2 definitions]