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Children's Dictionary
champagne a white wine with bubbles originally made in the Champagne region of France.
chandelier a single light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and holds several lights. A chandelier is often used for decoration as well as for lighting a room. Some chandeliers are very large and found only in very formal rooms. Originally, chandeliers held real candles.
indigenous being the people or animals that originally lived and may continue to live in a particular country or region. [2 definitions]
silkworm a caterpillar of a moth, originally from Asia. The caterpillar makes silk thread that it uses to spin its cocoon. People use the cocoons to make silk cloth.
terrier any of several breeds of dogs. Terriers are small, lively dogs that were originally bred to drive animals from their holes.
woodwind any of a group of musical wind instruments that were originally made of wood. Clarinets, flutes, and oboes are some woodwinds. [1/2 definitions]