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grocery A grocery is a store where you can buy food and small things that you use every day. You can buy things like fruit, vegetables, milk, bread, snacks, paper towels, batteries, and soap in a grocery. We often call a grocery a "grocery store." [1/2 definitions]
paper towel a small sheet of absorbent paper that is used mostly in the kitchen as a towel for such things as wiping surfaces or cleaning up spills. Paper towels are usually attached to other paper towels as part of a roll.
roll Things like paper towels and ribbon often come in rolls. If you wind something around itself many times, it becomes a roll. [1/11 definitions]
texture The texture of a surface or material, is how it feels when you touch it. It may also be the way it looks, which gives you a sense of how it might feel. The texture of something depends on what it is made of and how things in it are put together. Think of touching a bath towel and compare that with touching a paper towel. The texture of these two things is very different.
wipe When you wipe something, you clean or dry it by rubbing it, often with a soft cloth, paper towel, or your hand. [2/3 definitions]