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acquaintance knowledge of something that comes from personal experience. [1/2 definitions]
arbitrary resulting from personal opinions, wishes, or feelings instead of from a rule or reason.
blog a journal posted on a website that someone regularly write entries in. When people have a blog, they write about personal experiences or opinions, or about particular topics they have special knowledge of or are interested in. The word "blog" is a short form of "Web log."
canteen a small store that sells food, drink, and some personal supplies. Canteens are found in schools, factories, and military bases. [1/2 definitions]
confide to share secrets or personal information (usually followed by "in").
country music a type of popular music, based on the traditional music of the rural South and the cowboy music of the West. Country music often express sad personal emotions.
disinterested not having a personal interest in or opinion about something.
foe one who wishes ill on another; personal enemy.
gossip tales or talk about the personal lives and secrets of others when they are not present. [1/3 definitions]
handbag a bag or case used to carry small personal articles; purse.
intimate1 very personal or private. [1/2 definitions]
locker A locker is a metal cabinet that you use to keep clothes and personal things for a short time. A locker can be locked. We usually find lockers in schools, gyms, and swimming pools.
look (plural) personal appearance. [1/8 definitions]
manner one's personal and general way of behaving or acting toward others. [1/3 definitions]
merit (plural) the facts of a legal matter, apart from personal feelings or issues related to procedure. [1/3 definitions]
microcomputer a small computer that is designed for use by a single person. Microcomputers are used by small business and in homes. They are also known as personal computers.
mouse a small tool used with personal computers. The person using the computer moves the mouse to select and move items on the computer screen. Most mice are connected to the computer by a cord that looks like a mouse's tail. [1/2 definitions]
objective not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. [1/2 definitions]
person one of three groups of personal pronouns that show who the subject of the verb is. The first person, ("I" or "we") is used for the person who speaks or writes. The second person, ("you") is used for the person who reads or listens. The third person ("he," "she," "it," or "they") is used for the person or thing the speaker is talking about. [1/3 definitions]
personal Your personal things are the things that belong to just you. When you talk about personal things, you talk about yourself or about things that are happening in just your own life. Sometimes when we say that something is personal, we mean that it is not for other people to know about, or it has nothing to do with what other people think. [3 definitions]
philosophy the personal values and rules that guide one in life. [1/2 definitions]