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around If your dad will be home around dinner time, it means that he will be home near dinner time. He might be a little bit late or a little bit early. If you have around fifty cents in your pocket, you might have a little more or less than that, but the amount is near fifty cents. [1/11 definitions]
billfold a small folding case that holds paper money and fits in a pocket; wallet.
determine When something determines something else, it decides what will happen with it. How much money you have in your pocket, for example, will determine what you can buy. [1/3 definitions]
find When you find something, you come upon it or meet it by accident. If you find money in your pocket, it means that you come upon some money in your pocket that you didn't know was there. [1/6 definitions]
fish When you fish, you search for something or try to find out about something. When you fish for a coin in your pocket, you search with your hand for a coin in your pocket. When you fish for information from someone, you try to get information from them without asking in a direct way. [1/4 definitions]
gopher a small rodent with gray or brown fur and a short tail. Gophers live in burrows and tunnel underground to look for food. They are also called pocket gophers, because they have pouches outside their cheeks where they carry food and nesting material. Gophers live in Central and North America.
handkerchief a small piece of thin cloth used to wipe the nose or face, or worn as decoration in a pocket.
hole A hole is an open or empty space in something. When you dig in the ground in your yard or in the sand at the beach, you are making a hole. A hole can also be something like a place in your pocket that lets your candy or money fall through! [1/2 definitions]
opossum An opossum is a small animal with gray fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail. It uses its long tail to hang from tree branches. A mother opossum carries her babies in a kind of pocket in her belly. Different kinds of opossums are found in Australia and North and South America.
pick1 to steal from someone's pocket or purse. [1/9 definitions]
pocket a small piece of material, open at the top and sewn onto clothing. A pocket forms a bag for keeping small objects. [5 definitions]
pouch a natural pocket of skin in some female animals that is used to hold and carry young. [1/2 definitions]
slip1 When someone slips some money into your pocket, it means that they put the money into your pocket quickly or quietly. You may not even notice that they are doing it. [1/10 definitions]
wallet A wallet is a small, flat thing that is used to hold money and other small, important things. Wallets are usually made of leather, and they are small enough to fit inside a pocket.
whip When you whip something out of your pocket, you pull it out suddenly and quickly. If you whip your jacket off, you take it off suddenly and quickly. [1/7 definitions]