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abrasive something rough used to wear away or polish a surface. [1/2 definitions]
apply When you apply something like paint or polish or glue, you spread it over something. [1/4 definitions]
buff1 to clean or polish with a buff. [1/4 definitions]
cosmetic a preparation used on the face or body to make the person wearing it look more attractive. Lipstick, nail polish, and powder are cosmetics.
enamel paint, polish, or varnish that makes a smooth, shiny surface. [1/4 definitions]
finish to put a polish on or coat the surface of. [1/5 definitions]
nail polish a shiny substance that is put on fingernails or toenails to make them more attractive. Nail polish is usually colored, but some nail polish is clear.
Poland Poland is a country in Europe. Some of its neighbors are Germany, Belarus, and Ukraine. Poland also lies along the shore of a sea called the Baltic. Much of Poland is covered by forest. There are also farm lands and mountains, and many lakes and rivers. Lots of grain and potatoes are grown in Poland. Poland has many people. Some of them are farmers, and many work in mines, but most Polish people live and work in the cities.
Polish When something is Polish, it is from the country of Poland, or it has to do with the people, culture, or language of Poland. [2 definitions]
polish a clear or colored substance that is put on fingernails or toenails to make them shiny and attractive; nail polish. [1/5 definitions]
shine When you shine something, you polish it or wipe it a lot so that it reflects light. [1/8 definitions]
wax1 a mixture with wax in it that is used to polish a smooth, hard surface. [2/4 definitions]