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acupuncture the practice of relieving pain or curing a disease by putting needles into certain parts of the body. Acupuncture is a traditional way to treat disease in China.
ad-lib to make up as one goes along; say or do something without practice or planning. [2 definitions]
archery the sport or practice of shooting with a bow and arrow.
art a fine skill that has resulted from natural ability, practice, or study. [1/4 definitions]
artist An artist is a person who makes art. Artists study and practice to do their art well. They make things like paintings, sculptures, music, or films.
aviation the act, practice, or science of flying airplanes.
ballet Ballet is a type of dance that uses exact, graceful movements. The names of the movements come from French. Girls who study ballet wear special shoes that let them dance on their toes. Boys study ballet too, and they have to be very strong to jump high and to lift up the girls. It takes a lot of practice and strength to become very good at ballet. [1/2 definitions]
barter the act or practice of trading goods or services without using money. [1/3 definitions]
bookkeeping the practice of keeping records of the money taken in and paid out by a business.
born since birth; from natural talent rather than practice or education. [1/3 definitions]
cage a movable screen used for batting practice in baseball or softball. [1/4 definitions]
chemotherapy the science or practice of treating disease by using chemicals.
civil war (cap.)The U.S. war (1861-1865) between the Northern states (Union) and the Southern states (Confederacy), which was caused by a conflict over the governing rights of individual states and the practice of slavery. [1/2 definitions]
colonialism the practice that a country is engaged in when it takes over another country and sets up its own government and colony there. A "colony" is what the country is called that is taken over by the more powerful country. Colonialism serves the purpose of creating wealth and power for the ruling country.
convention a practice or way of doing something that is accepted by most people; custom. [1/2 definitions]
-craft a suffix that means "skill or practice in the use of."
desegregate to stop the practice of having separate schools and other facilities for people of different races.
dive to practice a sport or hobby such as acrobatic diving, scuba diving, or skydiving. [1/5 definitions]
drill1 A drill is a set of actions that you learn and practice in order to do the right thing if there is an emergency. Drills are usually repeated so that people can learn them very well. [1/5 definitions]
email the practice or system by which written messages are sent from one computer to another; electronic mail. [1/4 definitions]
engineering the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines.