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cabinet A cabinet is a group of powerful leaders who give advice to a president or other head of government in a country. Most cabinet members have their own particular area that they are in charge of and help the top leader with. In the United States, some of the areas are education, transportation, defense, energy, and agriculture. [1/2 definitions]
campaign A campaign is an effort to get someone elected to a position such as president, governor, mayor, or senator. This type of campaign can be called a "political campaign." A campaign is also all the people who are involved in the effort to get someone elected. During a campaign, people put up signs, talk to people in neighborhoods, create ads for TV and radio, and do a lot of other things. The candidate takes part in the campaign also, mostly by talking to people, making speeches, and appearing on TV or in online videos. [1/3 definitions]
capital1 A capital is an important city in a country or state. It is the place where the main government of the country or state is located. The president of the United States lives and works in the capital. [1/4 definitions]
guide When a president guides a country, it means that he or she makes important decisions for the country and helps it go through difficult times. [1/6 definitions]
Lincoln's Birthday a holiday on February 12, the day on which President Abraham Lincoln's birthday is celebrated.
mansion A mansion is a large home that looks as if very rich or important people live there. The President of the United States lives in a mansion called the White House.
office When someone has a very important job in government, we say that that person "holds an office" in government. The jobs of mayor, governor, and president, for example, are called "offices." An office does not change or go away--there is always someone who is mayor or governor or president--but the particular person who fills that office changes.  [1/4 definitions]
officer An officer is a person who has an important position in a company or in a government. An officer has some power over other people and a lot of responsibility. The president of a company is that company's top officer. A mayor is the top officer in the government of a city. [1/3 definitions]
overthrow If people overthrow a person in power, like a king or president, they force that person out. They take their power away and take over the government.
personal If a president, queen, or other famous person makes a personal visit to someone, they go to see that person themselves. They don't just write a letter or make a phone call to that person, and they don't send someone else instead of going themselves. [1/3 definitions]
presidency the office, length of service, and jobs of a president.
president The president is the head of the government of a nation. Presidents are chosen by voting. [2 definitions]
president-elect a person who has been elected president but has not yet taken office.
presidential of or relating to the person or office of a president.
primary In the United States, a primary is a type of election. In a primary, people of the SAME political group, or "party," decide on one person from their party who they think is the best. At the same time, people of another political party have their primary and decide on a person from their party that they think is the best. Later on, each of the chosen people from the different groups will try to beat each other in a bigger election called the "general election." The person who wins the general election is chosen to be a top leader in the government, such as the president or a governor of a state. [1/3 definitions]
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean Sea. Puerto Rico has its own government, but it is also connected with the United States. People who live in Puerto Rico can vote for the U.S. president.
run When someone runs for president or other position in government, they try to be elected to that position. They announce that they want to be in that position, and they do things so that people will vote for them. [1/25 definitions]
seal1 A seal is a design that is pressed into wax, soft paper, or other soft material. Seals are used to show that a document is official. If a letter has the seal of the president on it, then this is proof that it is really from the president. [1/4 definitions]
vice president an officer who ranks directly below a president. The vice president works as president when the president cannot perform his duties. [2 definitions]
vote When a group of people is deciding something, each person's choice is called their vote. Let's say one hundred students chose Alex to be president of the school. This means that Alex got one hundred votes. [1/4 definitions]
White House the official home of the President of the United States in Washington, D.C. (used with "the"). [2 definitions]