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Children's Dictionary
apostrophe1 a punctuation mark ('). It is used to show where one or more letters or numbers have been left out. "Wouldn't" for "would not" and "'87" for "1987" use apostrophes this way. [1/3 definitions]
bracket one of a pair of punctuation marks ([ ]). They are used to enclose words or numbers. [1/5 definitions]
colon1 a punctuation mark (:). It is used to introduce a series, quotation, or explanation. [1/2 definitions]
comma a punctuation mark (,). It is used to separate words, phrases, or other parts of a sentence or list, or to show a pause in speech. It is also used when writing numbers of one thousand or greater to mark off groups of three digits.
dash a punctuation mark (--). It is used to show a break in speech or thought. [1/8 definitions]
emoticon (from emotion icon) a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters that is placed in an e-mail; smiley. An emoticon shows the mood of the writer, such as :-( and :-D
exclamation mark a punctuation mark (!). It is used after a word or words that express strong feeling; exclamation point.
exclamation point a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation, interjection, or command; exclamation mark.
hyphen a punctuation mark (-). It is used to join the parts of a compound word. It is also used at the end of a line to divide a word between syllables.
parenthesis either of a pair of punctuation marks ( ). They are used to enclose information that is not part of the main sentence. They are also used to set apart mathematical quantities to be treated as a unit.
period a punctuation mark (.). It is used at the end of a sentence or after an abbreviation. [1/4 definitions]
point a punctuation mark (.). It is also called a period. [1/13 definitions]
punctuate to place punctuation marks in.
punctuation one or more punctuation marks. [1/2 definitions]
punctuation mark any of a group of marks that are used to help make the meaning of written material clear. Commas, question marks, and periods are examples of punctuation marks.
question mark a punctuation mark (?). It is used at the end of a sentence that asks a question.
quotation mark either of a pair of punctuation marks (" "). Quotation marks are used at the beginning and end of a quotation.
semicolon a punctuation mark (;). It is used to separate independent clauses in a sentence when there is no conjunction.
slash a punctuation mark (/). It has the meaning of "or" as in "and/or" or "per" as in "miles/hour." This mark is also used to show division in math and to separate parts of an internet address. [1/5 definitions]
smiley a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters and placed in an e-mail; emoticon. A smiley shows the mood of the writer, such as :-o