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abide to put up with; stand. [1/3 definitions]
account If you have an account at a bank, it means that you can keep your money there. You can put more money into your account or take money out of your account when you need it. The bank sends a letter by mail each month to tell you how much money you have in your account. Some people don't get a letter but see their account on their computers. [2/5 definitions]
across When one line is across another, it lies over a small part of it. When you make the letter X you put one line across the other. [1/5 definitions]
add to put on or with something else to make larger or better. [3/5 definitions]
advertise When you advertise for something, it means you are looking for a certain thing and you put up a notice somewhere, like in a newspaper or online list. In the notice, you tell people you are looking for this thing. Sometimes people advertise for things they want to buy from other people. Sometimes they advertise for a certain kind of person who they can pay to do some work for them. Let's say you want to buy a good but cheap bicycle, you could advertise for one in the newspaper. If somebody has one they want to sell, they will answer your notice. [1/3 definitions]
air to open to the air or put outdoors. [1/6 definitions]
all at once If people are doing something all at once, they are doing it all at the same time. If people jump into a swimming pool all at once, they all jump in at the same time. If you put five sticks of gum in your mouth all at once, you put all of them in your mouth at the same time. You don't put them in one at a time. [1/2 definitions]
almost If you are almost ready, you are very close to being ready but you are not ready yet. Maybe you just have to put your shoes on. If there were twelve cookies and your brother ate almost all of them, then maybe there are only one or two cookies left.
altogether If the price of a group of things is ten dollars altogether, it means that the price is ten dollars when you put the different things together and add everything up. [1/2 definitions]
ammunition Ammunition is what people put into a gun and shoot out of it. Bullets are a kind of ammunition.
anonymous If a gift is anonymous, then nobody knows who is giving it. If you receive an anonymous valentine, you don't know who sent it to you. The person who the valentine is from didn't put their name on it and isn't telling anybody. [1/2 definitions]
apply to make use of or put to use. [1/5 definitions]
around If you look around, you look in all directions. If you put something all around, you put it on all sides of you. [1/11 definitions]
arrange to put in some kind of order, pattern, or design. [1/3 definitions]
arrangement a group of things that have been put together in a certain way. [1/5 definitions]
array to put in order or position; organize or arrange. [1/5 definitions]
aside When you put something aside, you put it away or move it toward a separate place. If you stand aside, you stand at some distance away from other people or things. [2/3 definitions]
ask to put a question to. [1/5 definitions]
assemble When you assemble something, you put the parts of it together. [1/3 definitions]
assembly a collection of parts put together to form a whole, as in a machine. [1/4 definitions]
assert to put forward strongly. [1/2 definitions]