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banquet A banquet is a fancy, formal dinner. Usually, there is a lot of food and many guests. A banquet is often held in a hotel or large room in a restaurant.
bill1 A bill is a piece of paper that tells how much you have to pay for something. When you are done eating in a restaurant, the waiter brings the bill. If someone comes to your house to fix the roof, they will send a bill later to ask for money for the work they did. [1/4 definitions]
booth A booth is a very small room or set of furniture built for the use of one person or a small group. A booth in a restaurant, for example, is made up of two comfortable benches facing each other. Between the benches, there is a narrow table. This kind of booth usually seats about four adults.
business If we talk about doing business, we are talking about buying, selling, giving service, or paying for service. We are talking about the things that a commercial institution does with its customers, or the activities carried out by customers in connection with the commercial institution. If someone pays for food at a restaurant, they are doing business with the restaurant. [1/4 definitions]
café an informal, often small, restaurant that usually specializes in coffees, simple meals, and desserts.
cafeteria a dining hall or restaurant in which customers choose or are served their food at a counter. The customers then carry the food on trays to their tables.
cash register A cash register is a machine that you see in a store or restaurant. When you pay for something, your money goes into a drawer in the cash register. When you need change, the money comes out of the cash register.
casual When you dress in a casual way, you dress in a way that feels relaxed and comfortable. You wear clothes that are OK to wear at home or with friends but maybe not right to wear to a wedding, an important meeting, or an expensive restaurant. [1/2 definitions]
check a bill for food and drink at a bar or restaurant. [1/11 definitions]
chef a cook in charge of a hotel or restaurant kitchen.
coffee shop a small restaurant that specializes in serving coffee, snacks, and light meals.
critic A critic is a person whose job is to judge something like a movie, book, restaurant, or play and then write what they think about it. A critic usually works for a newspaper or magazine. A critic usually has a lot of experience with the type of thing they write about and people respect their opinion. [1/2 definitions]
customer A customer is a person who buys products or services. When you go to buy something in a store or eat in a restaurant, you are a customer.
delivery A delivery is an act of bringing something to a particular person or place, especially something like a package or letter, food from a restaurant, or something ordered from a store.
diner one who eats a meal. [2 definitions]
dining room A dining room is a room in a home, hotel, or restaurant that is used for eating meals.
dish A dish is a certain kind of food that someone makes and serves to people. In a restaurant, the menu shows you all the different dishes that the restaurant makes and that you can choose from. [1/4 definitions]
drive-in a business, especially a restaurant, that serves people who drive up and stay seated in their cars. [1/2 definitions]
fill When someone fills your order at a restaurant, it means that they make up or prepare your order. They get what you ordered and give it to you. [1/6 definitions]
grill a restaurant where grilled foods are served. [1/4 definitions]
guest a customer at a hotel or restaurant. [1/2 definitions]