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advertisement An advertisement is something that tells people about things they can buy or things that are happening. They are often printed in newspapers and magazines. You often see advertisements on television and on the computer. When you ride in a car, you sometimes see them on signs.
around When you ride your bicycle around the neighborhood, you ride your bicycle in different parts of the neighborhood. You move from place to place. [1/11 definitions]
automobile An automobile is a car. An automobile is a machine that people drive and ride in.
average If you average the number of miles you ride your bicycle in a week, you add up the number of miles you rode every day, then divide that number by seven. [1/5 definitions]
basic Basic things are things that are the simplest and most important. You need to learn basic things before other things. If you are learning to ride a bicycle, keeping your balance is the basic thing that you have to learn. After that, you can learn things like how to ride up a hill. [1/3 definitions]
believe If you believe that you're getting a bike for your birthday, you are pretty sure you are getting a bike. Maybe you are already thinking about where you will ride it. [1/2 definitions]
bicycle a light vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other, a small seat, and handlebars for steering. Pedals make the wheels move. [2 definitions]
bike to ride a bicycle or motorcycle. [1/2 definitions]
board When you board something like a train, a ship, or airplane, it means that you get on so that you can ride somewhere. [1/6 definitions]
bobsled to ride or race in a bobsled. [1/2 definitions]
bumper car one of a number of miniature electric cars that are part of an amusement at a fair or carnival. People ride in the cars and try to bump into other cars or escape from being bumped. The cars are designed to be safe and enjoyable for the riders.
bumpy of a ride or flight, causing passengers and objects to suddenly bounce up and down, or to feel as if they are being bounced. [1/2 definitions]
burro A burro is a small donkey. A donkey is an animal in the same family as a horse, but it is much smaller and has longer ears. Burros are often used for carrying things when people walk long distances or when they ride on horses or larger donkeys.
bus1 a long motor vehicle with many rows of seats used to carry large numbers of people. Buses usually travel along a regular route. [1/3 definitions]
cab1 a car that carries people who need a ride and pay a fare for this; taxicab. [1/3 definitions]
canoe to ride in or paddle a canoe. [1/2 definitions]
car A car is a machine with an engine that people can ride in. A car usually has four wheels, but sometimes it has three. A car carries from one to about five people. Another word for car is automobile. [1/3 definitions]
carfare the money that is paid for a ride in a taxi, bus, or subway.
catch to get aboard in time to ride. [1/13 definitions]
coach A coach is something to ride in that is pulled by horses. A coach has four wheels and an outside seat for the driver. [1/5 definitions]
coast If you coast when you're riding your bike, you move forward without using any energy. You can coast when you ride down a hill. When a car coasts down a hill, it doesn't use any gasoline. [1/3 definitions]