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admirer An admirer is a person who finds another person attractive in a romantic way. [1/2 definitions]
couple two people who are together by marriage or by being in a romantic relationship. [1/4 definitions]
crush a strong but temporary romantic attraction to a person, or the person who is the object of the attraction. [1/5 definitions]
date1 When a person dates another person, they go out together to dinner or movies or things like that because they like each other in a romantic way or want to see if they like each other in that way. [1/6 definitions]
fall in love to begin to have strong feelings of romantic love (often followed by "with").
flirt to play at love; act in a romantic way that is not serious. [1/2 definitions]
go out If two people are going out with each other, it means they are spending time together because they like each other in a romantic way. They are attracted to each other and they are doing things like going to movies, taking walks, eating at restaurants, or just spending time together. [1/4 definitions]
in love the condition of having a very strong romantic attraction and liking for someone and a strong desire to be with that person (often followed by "with.")
match2 If two people go well together as a couple, they are sometimes called a "good match." They are similar or equal to each other in important ways. When people arrange for two people to get together so that they will marry or have a romantic relationship, it is called "making a match" or "deciding a match." If someone is "looking for a match," they are looking for someone to marry who would go well with them. [1/8 definitions]
romantic having to do with romance. [3/4 definitions]