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access Access is a way of entering or getting to a place. A door gives access to a room or a building. A bridge can give access to an island. [1/3 definitions]
accommodate to have room for. [1/3 definitions]
acoustics the aspects of a room or space that make sounds easy or difficult to hear (used with a plural verb).
air When you air a room, you open doors and windows so that air can move through it. You air a room to take away smoke, dust, or things that smell bad. When you air something like a pillow or rug, you put it outside so that it will smell cleaner. [1/4 definitions]
air conditioner a machine that cools the air in a room or car. An air conditioner also takes the dust and dampness out of the air.
alcove a partly enclosed area of a room.
alone When you are alone, there is no one with you. If you are the only person in the room, you are alone. [1/3 definitions]
apartment a room or set of rooms used as living space.
appliance a device used for a particular purpose. Stoves, refrigerators, toasters, vacuum cleaners, and room heaters are some appliances used in the home. Most applicances use electricity.
art room a room in a school where art is taught and where art materials are kept.
auditorium a large room or building where people gather for a performance or speech.
balcony A balcony is something attached to the outside of a building but high off the ground. It is a place to stand or sit in the open air. You enter a balcony through a door in an upstairs room of the building. [1/2 definitions]
ballroom a large room used for dancing.
banquet A banquet is a fancy, formal dinner. Usually, there is a lot of food and many guests. A banquet is often held in a hotel or large room in a restaurant.
bath A bath is a room with a bathtub. [1/3 definitions]
bathroom a room with a toilet and often a sink or bathtub.
bedroom a room used for sleeping.
behind If you go out of a room and you leave your cap behind, it means that the cap is still in the room. You have to go back to get it. [1/6 definitions]
bookshelf A bookshelf is something in a room that holds up books. A bookshelf can be just one shelf, or it can be a piece of furniture that has more than one shelf.
booth a closed place or stall that has room for one person or a small group. [1/2 definitions]
buffet2 A buffet is a piece of furniture that is often in a room where people eat. It has a long flat top where serving bowls and other things can be put, and it often has drawers or shelves. [1/2 definitions]