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about concerning. [1/8 definitions]
above appearing earlier in the same text. [1/5 definitions]
accompany to be connected with; happen at the same time as; follow. [1/3 definitions]
account When someone tells the story of how something happened, they are giving an account of that event. Because different people describe things differently, they can have different accounts of the same event. [1/5 definitions]
action The word action can mean a lot of things happening quickly or at the same time. [1/4 definitions]
after with the same name as. [1/7 definitions]
aftershock a small earthquake that follows a larger one. Aftershocks start at or near the same place where the first earthquake started. There are often several aftershocks after the first earthquake.
agree to have the same opinion or feel the same way (often followed by "with"). [1/5 definitions]
agreement When two people come to an agreement about something, it means that they now think the same way about it. [2/4 definitions]
akin belonging to the same family; related; kin. [1/2 definitions]
alike like one another; similar. [1/2 definitions]
all at once If people are doing something all at once, they are doing it all at the same time. If people jump into a swimming pool all at once, they all jump in at the same time. If you put five sticks of gum in your mouth all at once, you put all of them in your mouth at the same time. You don't put them in one at a time. [1/2 definitions]
alliance When different people or groups form an alliance, they come together because they have the same goal and they agree to work together to reach that goal.
alliteration the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence.
ally An ally is someone who will help you achieve some goal, usually because they agree with this goal and they want to help you reach it. They want the same thing as you do. They are on the same side as you. An ally is sometimes a friend, but an ally may just be someone who will cooperate with you in trying to do something.
along When you walk along something, you walk next to it or go the same way that it goes. When you take a walk along the river, you take a walk next to the river. [1/5 definitions]
although "Although" is a word that we use to connect ideas in a sentence. We use "although" to join two ideas that are true but don't seem to agree with each other. "Although" is an important word, but we probably use "even though" more often when we talk. "Even though" is a little stronger, but it has the same meaning.
amount to be equal to; to be the same as. [1/3 definitions]
and so forth with more of the same type. [1/2 definitions]
and so on with more of the same type. [1/2 definitions]
angle1 When two straight lines begin at the same point, they make the shape of an angle. [2/4 definitions]