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annual a plant that grows for only one year or one season. [1/3 definitions]
autumn the season of the year between summer and winter; fall.
bowl1 a football game played at the end of the season by winning teams. [1/5 definitions]
crop the harvest of one or more farm products in a year or a season. [1/7 definitions]
egret a kind of heron that is usually white and grows a long plume of feathers in breeding season. There are several kinds of egrets.
fall Fall is the season of the year between summer and winter. [1/9 definitions]
harvest the gathering of ripe crops, the crops or the amount of crops gathered, or the season in which they are gathered. [1/3 definitions]
herb a flowering plant whose stem is soft rather than woody and that dies at the end of a growing season. [1/2 definitions]
lost If your team has two lost games this season, it means that there were two games that you didn't win. [1/6 definitions]
migrant We call a bird or other animal a migrant if it is one that travels to a different place when the season changes. [1/3 definitions]
migrate When animals migrate, they go to a different region for part of the year and then go back for the other part of the year. People sometimes migrate too. They go to a new place to find work during a particular season and then return home at the end of the season. Often they go to help out with farm work during a harvest time. [1/2 definitions]
migration Migration is the act or process of moving to another region, especially with many others at the same time. Sometimes migration means moving to one place for a certain season or period of time only, and sometimes it means moving to a new place to stay and settle.
monsoon a wind system of the Indian Ocean that blows from the southwest in the summer and the northeast in the winter. The southwest monsoon brings with it a season of heavy rain.
parsley a garden herb used to season or decorate food.
pepper a hollow fruit that varies in size, shape, and color. Peppers can have either a hot or sweet taste. They are eaten as a vegetable or used to season other foods. [2/4 definitions]
rookie a professional athlete in his or her first season on a team. [1/2 definitions]
salt to preserve or season with salt. [1/5 definitions]
season A season is one of the four parts of the year. The seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter. [3 definitions]
seasonal having to do with the seasons or a particular season of the year.
setting A setting is the place where something takes place. For example, a park is a typical setting for a picnic. The action that takes place in a book or play always takes place in a certain setting. The setting often includes not just the place where things happen but also things like the time that it is happening, the weather, the season, and what was happening in history at the time.
spring a season of the year between winter and summer. [3/12 definitions]