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able having special skill or talent. [1/2 definitions]
academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
act When you act, it means you do something for a special purpose. [1/9 definitions]
adviser An adviser is a person who helps you decide what to do by giving you information or by giving you their opinion. An adviser often has special knowledge of something and that's why they are able to help.
agency a company or organization that does business in support of other companies or people. An agency helps people do things that are difficult or complicated to do just by themselves. [2/3 definitions]
agreement Some agreements are a serious and special promise. If someone accepts this type of agreement, it means that they will be breaking a rule or a law if they do not do what they promise. Usually this kind of agreement is written on paper, and a person signs their name on the paper to accept it. [1/4 definitions]
anniversary An anniversary is the day each year that has the same date as when something special happened. A person's birthday is really a kind of anniversary. People often celebrate anniversaries, especially anniversaries of things like weddings.
application An application is a request to do something, especially a request for a job, or a request to get into a college or other special school, or a request for permission for something. There is usually a form people have to fill out or other things they have to write or do in order to make their application. The form that people fill out is also called an "application." [2/3 definitions]
apply When you apply for something, you make a special request to people who do not know you. The request is often for permission to do something, and you usually have to write and give information about yourself. [1/4 definitions]
appoint When a top person appoints someone to do a special job, they choose that person to do that job. Appointing is a kind of command from the top person, but usually the person who is appointed is willing or happy to be chosen to do the job. Also, they can usually say "no" if they want to.
arena An arena is a special area where certain sports events take place. A boxing match, for example, takes place in an arena. Some types of performances, like circuses, also take place in an arena. [1/2 definitions]
art Art is anything that people make to create beauty or to share ideas and feelings in a different and special way. Painting, poetry, music, and film are some kinds of art.
auction An auction is a special kind of sale. At an auction, each item gets sold to the person who offers the most money for it. If many people are interested in a particular thing, the price goes higher and higher until everybody but that one person gives up.
audition An audition is a short performance that someone gives to just a few people to show how well they can act, dance, sing, or play an instrument. When someone does an audition, they hope that the people watching will choose them to be in their play, movie, or something like that. Sometimes people have to give an audition in order to be part of a musical group or to get into a special school. For example, if they want to get into a school of music or dance, they might have to give an audition.
award a prize given for a special achievement; honor. [1/3 definitions]
aware When you are aware of something, you know about it. You know it is there. Sometimes when you are aware of something, you pay special attention to it.
badge a pin, patch, or ribbon people wear to show that they belong to a group, have a particular job, or have done something special.
ballet Ballet is a type of dance that uses exact, graceful movements. The names of the movements come from French. Girls who study ballet wear special shoes that let them dance on their toes. Boys study ballet too, and they have to be very strong to jump high and to lift up the girls. It takes a lot of practice and strength to become very good at ballet. [1/2 definitions]
barbecue the food cooked in this way, often having a special sauce. [2/4 definitions]
belt a region or area that is known for something or used for a special purpose. [1/3 definitions]
billiards a game played with long sticks and hard balls on a special table covered with cloth. Players use a stick to hit the balls against each other and into pockets along the edges of the table.