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black widow a small spider of North and South America. The female has a shiny, black body with a red mark on her underside and a poisonous bite.
bug (informal) any insect or small crawling animal, such as a tick or spider. [1/6 definitions]
cobweb a web spun by a spider, or a single piece of this web. [1/2 definitions]
daddy-longlegs (used with a singular or plural verb) a small animal that resembles a spider. Daddy-longlegs are arachnids and have a small, rounded body with eight very long, thin legs.
harmful When something is harmful, it can make bad things happen. A bite from a spider can sometimes be harmful. Eating food that is old or spoiled can be harmful too.
insect (informal) any tiny animal similar to true insects, such as a spider or centipede. [1/3 definitions]
italic Italic is a style for producing typed alphabet letters, numbers, and symbols. In Italic, the letters slant to the right. Italic looks like this. When we talk about a piece of text being in this style, we often use the plural form, "italics." We say that the text is "in italics." Names of books and movies are often put in italics, like "The Hobbit" and "Spider-Man."
mite1 a tiny animal that is related to the spider. Most mites are parasites and live on other animals or plants.
reaction A reaction is a feeling or action that comes immediately after something else and is caused by it. When some people suddenly see a big spider, their reaction is to scream or jump away. When someone touches a poisonous plant, their skin's reaction is usually to become itchy, very hot, or painful. [1/2 definitions]
scorpion a small animal related to the spider. It has a long narrow body and a tail with a poisonous tip. Scorpions live in many warm, dry areas of the world.
spider A spider is a small animal with eight legs and a body that has two parts. Spiders catch and eat insects and other very small animals.
spin of a spider or insect, to make (a web or cocoon) using thread that comes from the body. [1/8 definitions]
tarantula a large, hairy spider found in the warmer parts of North, Central, and South America. Some tarantulas have a slightly poisonous bite.
tick2 a small animal that is related to the spider. Ticks attach themselves to people and other animals and suck their blood. Ticks are known to spread disease.
venomous If an animal, like a snake or spider, is venomous, they produce a fluid called "venom," which is a poison to people and animals. The venom shoots into a human or animal when the venomous animal bites or stings. The bite or sting can cause illness or even death.
weave When a spider weaves a web, it creates a web. [1/2 definitions]