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absorb When something absorbs another thing, it takes it into itself. It soaks it up. If something absorbs water or other liquid, it takes it into itself the way a towel or sponge does. [1/2 definitions]
foam used as a short form of "foam rubber," a soft, man-made material that feels similar to a sponge. [1/6 definitions]
foam rubber a firm, light rubber that feels like sponge. Foam rubber is often used to make seats and mattresses.
mop a tool with rags, a sponge, or yarn attached to one end of a long handle. A mop is used to wash floors or decks. [1/3 definitions]
sponge to wipe, clean, or make wet with a sponge. [2/5 definitions]
spongy like a sponge in being light, full of holes, or able to keep its shape after being pressed or stretched.