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around When you walk around the lake, you start walking from one spot near the lake and keep walking until you get back to the same spot. [1/11 definitions]
blaze2 a spot or mark on a tree to show a trail. [1/3 definitions]
blot a spot or stain. [1/4 definitions]
brink A brink is a kind of edge. It is the top edge of a cliff or steep hill. A brink is a dangerous spot. [1/2 definitions]
bump A bump is a small spot that is higher than everything around it. If an insect bites you, you might get a red bump on your skin. If you fall and hit your head on something, you might get a bump on your head. [1/4 definitions]
campsite A campsite is a particular spot where one person or a group sets up their camp. If they have a tent, their campsite is where they put it up. A campsite can be just some spot out in nature somewhere, but often it is part of a campground inside a park.
contract When you contract a word, you make it shorter by taking away some of its letters. For example, we often contract the word "cannot" to "can't." When we take away a letter or letters, we put in an apostrophe (') to show that something is missing in that spot. It is even more common to take two words and contract them into one word. For example, we often contract "is not" to "isn't." [1/4 definitions]
depression a low spot or hollow. [1/4 definitions]
distance When something is in the distance, it is in a spot far away. [1/2 definitions]
distribute If you distribute things, you spread them over an area, usually in a way that each spot gets at least a little. [1/3 definitions]
dot a little mark or spot; speck. [1/5 definitions]
even When you put an even coat of paint on the wall, it means that the paint is not thicker in one spot than any other. [1/11 definitions]
hit When your arrow hits a target, it reaches the spot where you want it to go. [1/7 definitions]
hop1 When you hop, you make a short jump from one spot to another. [1/3 definitions]
hover When something hovers, it's flying but it doesn't go forward or backward. It just stays up in the air in one spot. [1/2 definitions]
knot1 the place where a branch grows out of the trunk of a tree. When wood is cut into boards, the knot looks like a dark spot. [1/6 definitions]
mark1 something, such as a spot or scar, that can be seen on a surface. [1/9 definitions]
meet1 to come face to face with; encounter. [2/8 definitions]
mole2 a small, permanent spot on the skin. Moles are usually brown and sometimes slightly raised.
navel a round scar or hollow just below a person's waist. The navel is the spot where the umbilical cord was attached before the person's birth.
pain When you have a pain somewhere, you have a very bad feeling in one particular spot in your body. [1/4 definitions]