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at ease a standing position in the military. When at ease, soldiers may relax but must stay in place and cannot talk.
bass1 A bass is an instrument for playing music. It is also called a double bass. A bass is a large instrument that is made of wood and has four strings. It looks like a very large violin, and you play it standing up. [1/2 definitions]
before Before sometimes means in front of or ahead of. If a cat is standing before a mirror, it is standing in front of the mirror. [1/4 definitions]
bend If you are standing and you bend forward, you move your upper body so that you are looking down toward your feet. If you bend back, you move your upper body so that you can see the ceiling, the sky, or something behind you. [1/5 definitions]
bowl2 When you bowl, you play the game of bowling. Bowling is a kind of game or sport. In bowling, people roll a heavy ball down a long wooden floor and try to hit some standing pieces of wood called "pins." People score points when the pins fall down.
bowling Bowling is a game in which people roll a heavy ball down a long wooden floor and try to hit some standing pieces of wood called "pins." People score points when they hit the pins and make them fall down.
chariot a vehicle with two wheels used in ancient times. A chariot was pulled by horses and driven from a standing position. It was used in wars, races, and other public events.
double bass The double bass is an instrument for playing music. It is a large instrument that is made of wood and has four strings. It looks like a very large violin, and you play it standing up.
easel An easel is a stand for holding up a flat thing like an artist's painting, a blackboard, or a sign. An artist uses an easel when he or she is standing up to paint.
eminent standing above others in fame or achievement; outstanding.
erect When something is erect, it is in a straight up or standing position. It's not lying flat or bending over. [1/2 definitions]
Ferris wheel A Ferris wheel is something to ride on at a carnival or amusement park. People sit in seats attached to a very large, standing wheel that goes around slowly in the air. It is a very popular ride.
file1 a line of things or people standing in order. [1/6 definitions]
gondola a long, narrow boat with a flat bottom and high curved ends, propelled by a person standing at the stern using a long pole. Gondolas are used for carrying passengers on the canals of Venice, Italy. [1/2 definitions]
handspring a complete somersault in which a person flips onto the hands and then springs off the hands back to a standing position.
jump to rise quickly to a standing position (often followed by "up"). [1/11 definitions]
knock down to make a person or object that had been standing fall to the ground.
knock over to make an object or person that had been standing fall to the ground or other surface.
leg one of the body parts of an animal or human that is used for standing and walking. [1/4 definitions]
mailbox A mailbox is a large standing container that you put letters into when you want to send them to someone. [1/2 definitions]
meek doing what others want; not standing up for oneself; tame. [1/2 definitions]