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acid An acid is a kind of chemical substance. When something has a lot of acid in it, like lemons, it tastes sour. We eat and drink many things that contain acid. A very strong acid can be dangerous, though. It can burn something that it touches. [1/2 definitions]
acrophobia a very strong fear of high places.
against We often use "against" when we talk about something touching or hitting something else with strong force. When waves crash against a beach, it means that the waves hit the beach with force. [1/4 definitions]
agitation Agitation is a kind of tool that some people use to cause change, usually in a place where people work or in society in general. Agitation is the stirring up of strong feelings in people with the purpose of making them upset about their treatment or condition and wanting change. Sometimes this leads to protests or even violent behavior. [1/3 definitions]
alcoholic An alcoholic is a person who feels a strong need to drink alcohol and cannot control that need. [1/2 definitions]
alcoholism a disease caused by the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Alcoholism is characterized by a strong desire to drink alcohol, difficulties in behaving properly, and troubling effects when alcohol use is stopped.
aluminium the British spelling of "aluminum," a strong, light, silver metal that does not easily rust.
aluminum a strong, light, silver metal that does not easily rust. Aluminum is a chemical element. (symbol: Al)
Amazon a member of a race of tall, strong, and fierce female warriors who are written about in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
ambition a strong desire to become famous, rich, or to reach a goal. [1/2 definitions]
ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed; having ambition. [1/2 definitions]
ammonia the gas with a strong smell that is formed by combining nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia is used to make refrigerators cold and in making fertilizers. [1/2 definitions]
anger a strong emotion brought on by a person or thing that causes one great pain or trouble. [1/3 definitions]
angry When you are angry, it means that you are feeling or showing anger. You have a strong feeling that someone has treated you badly or has done something very wrong or not fair. [1/2 definitions]
animosity strong dislike or behavior that shows strong dislike.
antagonism a state of being enemies, or a strong feeling against someone or something.
anxious having a strong wish; eager. [1/2 definitions]
appetite a strong desire for anything. [1/2 definitions]
ardent having or showing very strong feelings such as passion, loyalty, or desire.
armor a suit made of leather, metal, or other strong material, worn to protect the body during battle. [1/4 definitions]
athletic When someone is athletic, they are good at sports, or they play sports a lot. We might also call someone athletic if they are a physically strong and have a lot of physical ability. [1/2 definitions]