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best superlative of "good." [2/6 definitions]
comparative the comparative degree, or a form or word of this degree. (Compare with "superlative.") [1/4 definitions]
farthest most far or distant. "Farthest" is a superlative of "far." [1/2 definitions]
furthest to or at the greatest point or extent. "Furthest" is a superlative form of the adjective "far." [2 definitions]
latest the superlative of "late." [1/3 definitions]
least superlative of "little." [2/5 definitions]
most in the greatest number, amount, or degree (superlative of "many" and "much"). [2/7 definitions]
superlative having to do with the form of adjectives and adverbs that indicates the highest or most extreme degree of comparison. [1/3 definitions]
worst superlative of "bad" or "ill." [2/7 definitions]
youngest superlative of "young." [1/2 definitions]