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aquatic When something is aquatic, it has to do with water. An aquatic area is a place with a lot of water, like a swamp or a pond. An aquatic sport, is a sport that takes place in the water, like swimming or diving. [1/2 definitions]
bayou a stream that moves slowly through a swamp or marsh. Bayous are found in the southern United States.
everglade a very large swamp in a warm climate. Rivers or streams flow slowly through an everglade, and tall, thick grass grows throughout.
swamp A swamp is land that is mostly covered with water. A swamp has trees and many plants, but they usually grow from soil that is under the water. You can only see the parts of the trees and plants that are above the water. Many kinds of birds, insects, reptiles, and other animals live in or around swamps. [1/2 definitions]
wetland (often plural) low-lying land that is always wet, such as a marsh or swamp.