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Children's Dictionary
aerobics (used with a singular or plural verb) a form of exercise that works the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better. Running, swimming, biking, or dance are forms of aerobics.
auk a sea bird with webbed feet and short wings that lives in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Auks are good at swimming and diving.
bathe to go swimming. [1/4 definitions]
bathing suit a garment worn for swimming.
crawl a swimming stroke. The swimmer keeps his face in the water while the feet kick without stopping and the arms reach in front of the head one at a time. [1/6 definitions]
duck1 a bird that lives in or near water and has webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [1/2 definitions]
fin a thin, flat body part of a fish and certain other water animals which is used for swimming or balance. [1/3 definitions]
fish an animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing. Fish are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Most fish have scales on their skin. There are many kinds of fish, including salmon, goldfish, tuna, and sharks. [1/5 definitions]
flipper a wide, flat limb on a whale, turtle, or other animal that is used for swimming. [2 definitions]
lifeguard a person hired to watch over a swimming area and rescue anyone who might be drowning.
penguin a large water bird with webbed feet that lives in colder regions of the Southern Hemisphere. Penguins do not fly, but use their wings like flippers for swimming.
platypus a mammal with a wide bill, a long, flat tail, and webbed feet for swimming. Platypuses live near streams in Australia. They are one of only two kinds of mammals that lay eggs. They are sometimes called duck-billed platypuses.
pool1 a large hole lined with cement or a very large container that is filled with water and used for swimming; swimming pool. [1/4 definitions]
scuba diving the act of swimming underwater while wearing special breathing equipment.
sea turtle a large turtle that lives mostly in the sea. Sea turtles have long legs that are wide and flat so that swimming is easy. Sea turtles come onto the land to lay their eggs.
skin diving swimming in which the swimmer uses flippers, a face mask, and an air tank to swim underwater quickly and easily.
swim the act or a period of swimming. [1/5 definitions]
swimming costume a British word for a garment worn for swimming. "Swimming costume" has the same meaning as "bathing suit."
swimming pool a large man-made pool that is filled with water and used for swimming.
swimsuit a piece or a set of clothing worn for swimming; bathing suit.
trunk (plural) a pair of short pants worn in sports such as track, men's swimming, and boxing. [1/6 definitions]