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Children's Dictionary
anteater a mammal that uses its long, sticky tongue to eat ants and termites. True anteaters have no teeth, are furry, and live in Central or South America. They are related to armadillos and sloths. Other kinds of mammals that eat ants are also sometimes called anteaters, but they are not related to American anteaters.
baby tooth one of the first set of teeth in human babies and other mammals. Baby teeth fall out early in life to be replaced by adult teeth.
beaver1 a large rodent, up to four feet long, with thick brown fur and a wide flat tail. Beavers use their long front teeth to cut down trees for food and to build dams and lodges (beaver houses). They use the dams to keep water around their lodges. Beavers live in North America, Europe, and Asia.
bite to cut or pierce with the teeth. [2/10 definitions]
blue whale a mammal that lives in the ocean. Blue whales are the largest kind of animal that has ever lived. They can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh up to 150 tons. Their large mouths have baleen instead of teeth. Blue whales use baleen to filter lots of very small food such as shrimp from ocean water.
braces metal wires and bands attached to the teeth to straighten them and bring them into proper position. [1/2 definitions]
calcium a soft, silver-white substance that is one of the chemical elements. Calcium is found in many kinds of rocks. It is used by the body for building healthy bones and teeth. (symbol: Ca)
canine a pointed tooth between the front teeth and molars of many mammals. [1/3 definitions]
chew to tear or grind between the teeth.
cog1 one of a series of teeth on a gear.
comb a thin piece of plastic or other material that has teeth along one side. It is used to smooth, arrange, or hold hair in place. [1/5 definitions]
consonant a sound in a language made by stopping or restricting the flow of air through the mouth using speech organs such as the tongue, teeth, or lips. The sounds represented by the letters "d," "k," "b," "s," and "m" are examples of consonants in English. [1/2 definitions]
dental of or related to the teeth. [1/2 definitions]
dental floss a strong thread, covered with wax, used for removing food from between the teeth.
dentist a doctor who takes care of the teeth and mouth.
dog a furry animal with four legs, a pointed nose, and a tail. Their sharp teeth and claws are good for hunting small animals as food, but they also sometimes eat plant food. Dogs are mammals, closely related to coyotes, foxes, and wolves. There are many kinds or breeds of dogs, with a wide range of sizes and appearances. Some dogs are bred for special jobs, such as herding sheep. Dogs are often kept as pets. [1/2 definitions]
dolphin a mammal that lives in the water. Dolphins look like large fish but they breathe air. They have teeth and a snout that looks like a beak. Most kinds of dolphins live in the ocean. A few kinds live in large rivers in Asia and South America. Dolphins are closely related to porpoises and other toothed whales.
feline a closely related group of animals that includes both large cats like lions and tigers and small cats such as house cats and bobcats. Most cats have flat noses, small ears, and long tails. Felines are carnivorous mammals. They use their sharp teeth and claws for hunting other animals as food. [1/3 definitions]
floss soft thread used for cleaning between the teeth; dental floss. [2/4 definitions]
fluoridate to add a fluoride to, in order to keep teeth healthy.
gear a part of a machine that causes another part to move because of teeth which connect the two moving parts. [1/4 definitions]