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air pressure the force of air on things. Air pressure has to do with how much force air has when it has been compressed into a space like a tire. It is also the pressure of the earth's atmosphere.
bullfight a public show held in an arena in which performers first tease and tire out a bull, and then one person using a cape to draw the bull near tries to kill it with a sword. Bullfighting is popular in Spain and Mexico.
fatigue to tire out or make weary. [1/2 definitions]
flat tire a tire that has leaked air after it gets a hole in it.
overwork to cause to work too many hours; tire completely with work. [1/3 definitions]
spare If you have a spare tire in your car, it means you have an extra tire that you keep for when you need it in the future. [1/9 definitions]
stud1 a pin or peg attached to an automobile tire to help it grip a road surface firmly. [1/5 definitions]
tire2 A tire is a round, rubber covering that fits around a wheel. Tires are usually filled with air.
tread that which touches the ground in walking, such as the sole of the foot or shoe, or in rolling, such as the outer surface of a tire or the belt around the wheels of a tank. [2/7 definitions]
weary to make weary; tire. [1/4 definitions]