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brier2 a shrub of southern Europe. The brier's woody root is used in making tobacco pipes.
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
cigarette a short, narrow tube of thin paper that contains cut tobacco for smoking.
Malawi Malawi is a country in Africa. Two of its neighbors are Zambia and Mozambique. Malawi also lies next to a very large lake called Lake Malawi. It is one of the largest lakes in the world, and there are many kinds of fish in it, maybe more than in any other lake. Many people in Malawi are farmers. People grow a lot of tobacco and tea, and a lot of it is sold to other countries.
nicotine a poisonous substance found in the tobacco plant. Nicotine is what causes people to become addicted to cigarettes.
smoke the act or an instance of smoking tobacco. [1/6 definitions]
snuffbox a small box for holding tobacco in powdered form.
tobacco Tobacco is a plant with large, sticky leaves. Some people smoke or chew the dried leaves of tobacco.