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blaze2 a spot or mark on a tree to show a trail. [1/3 definitions]
drag to trail behind or on the ground. [1/6 definitions]
pass A pass is a road, trail, or other way that lets you go through an area that is difficult to go through. [1/15 definitions]
shadow to follow closely and in secret in order to watch; trail. [1/5 definitions]
start A start is the place or time something begins. The start of a class is the time the class begins. The start of a trail is the place the trail begins. [1/7 definitions]
trace1 to follow the track or trail of. [1/6 definitions]
track a mark or series of marks left on the ground by the feet of people or animals, or the wheels of machines; trail. [2/6 definitions]
trail When you trail a long stick behind you as you walk, you drag it along on the ground behind you. [5/8 definitions]
troll1 to trail behind a slowly moving boat. [1/2 definitions]
wake2 the trail or track left behind by something that has passed. [1/2 definitions]