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ache When your heart aches for someone, it means that you are sad because they have trouble or pain. [1/4 definitions]
adversity a condition of trouble or difficulty.
ail to trouble or cause pain to. [1/2 definitions]
allergy a condition in which a person's body has an unusual reaction to certain things. An allergy can cause itching, coughing, sneezing, or trouble breathing. Allergies to animal hair, pollen, and certain foods are among the most common.
alleviate to make (trouble or pain) easier to tolerate or accept; ease.
anger a strong emotion brought on by a person or thing that causes one great pain or trouble. [1/3 definitions]
bad guy (informal) In a story, "the bad guy" is the person who causes trouble for the good characters. "The bad guy" is usually mean or evil, or just doesn't care about other people.
blackmail Let's say you did something bad and your brother saw you do it. You know he can tell your parents and get you in trouble, but he says he will not tell them what you did if you pay him some money. What your brother is trying to do is to blackmail you. He is trying to get money from you in return for not revealing your secret. [2 definitions]
bother to annoy or give trouble to. [2/4 definitions]
careful When you are careful, you use your mind and body in ways that help you stay safe or stay out of trouble. Sometimes bad things happen when people are not careful. [1/2 definitions]
cause A cause is a good reason for something. If there is a cause to be worried, it means that there is a good reason for being worried. It makes sense to be worried because there really is some kind of danger or trouble. If there is no cause to be worried about something, then there is no real reason for it. [1/4 definitions]
cautious taking care to avoid danger or trouble; careful.
charity If someone receives charity, it means that they receive money or other things from people who want to help them because they are poor or are having a lot of trouble. Some people are very happy to receive charity, but some people don't want to accept it. [1/3 definitions]
choke If a person is choking, they are having trouble breathing or swallowing. If something gets stuck in a person's throat, it's possible for them to choke. [1/2 definitions]
dare When you dare someone, you invite them to do something that is dangerous or not pleasant, or that might get them into trouble. You do this just to see if they are brave enough to do it. [1/3 definitions]
defense A defense is a reason or explanation that you use to protect yourself or keep yourself from getting in trouble. [1/3 definitions]
desperate When you are desperate for something, you want it and need it very much. You feel like you could die without it or have some terrible trouble or sadness if you don't get it.
difficulty something that causes worry or trouble; problem. [2/3 definitions]
dismay to trouble or upset the hopes of. [1/4 definitions]
distress a state of great need or trouble. [1/3 definitions]
disturb to make nervous or uneasy; to trouble. [1/3 definitions]