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accent a way of speaking a language that is typical of people from a particular area. [1/5 definitions]
and so on "And so on" means "with more of the same type." It's used when you start a list of something and let your reader or listener imagine the type of things that might follow. If you say "In the closet, there are coats, jackets, and so on," you let your listener imagine other typical things that might be in the closet. They might imagine things like hats, boots, scarves. and umbrellas.
average usual or typical; of the ordinary kind. [1/7 definitions]
behavior the typical actions of a person, animal, thing, or group, either in general or in certain situations. [1/2 definitions]
bid When you bid on something, you make an offer to buy it for a certain amount of money. An auction is a typical situation in which people bid on things. [1/4 definitions]
celebrate When you celebrate, you do something special to show how happy you are or how special something or someone is to you. People often celebrate by having parties or festivals and giving gifts. Holidays and birthdays are typical times when people celebrate.  [1/2 definitions]
characteristic having to do with a typical or special quality of a person, group, action, or thing. [1/3 definitions]
childish typical of or fit for a child. [1/2 definitions]
classic typical of a class or category; serving as an example against which others are judged. [1/4 definitions]
common typical; easily found. [1/4 definitions]
compass an instrument for showing direction. A typical compass has a moving magnetic needle that points north. [1/2 definitions]
cross section a sample of typical parts that show what the whole is like. [1/2 definitions]
define If something defines you, it describes what kind of person you really are, or it describes the typical way that other people see you. [1/2 definitions]
deviate to stray from typical or accepted behavior. [1/2 definitions]
disability If you have a disability, you have a condition that makes it difficult or impossible to do something that most other people can do. For example, some people have a physical disability that makes it difficult for them to walk. Some people have a disability that makes it difficult for them to learn things. Some people have a disability that prevents them from doing typical kinds of work. Some disabilities can go away with time and effort, and some disabilities are permanent. Scientist are always working on inventions that can help, though.
expense An expense is something you have to pay money for. Things like rent, heat, electricity, and food are typical expenses for adults. [1/2 definitions]
helping A helping is an amount of food. It is a typical amount of food that is given to or taken by a person during a meal. If a person is especially hungry, they might take two or more helpings, but one helping is usual.
lifestyle the general way of life of a person or group, including typical jobs and activities, attitudes towards work and money, values, and the like.
masculine having qualities considered to be typical of men or boys. [1/2 definitions]
object An "object" is something in the grammar of a language. An object in a sentence is a noun or noun phrase that receives the action of a verb or finishes the idea expressed in the verb. In the sentence, "I forgot my pen," the noun phrase "my pen" is the object. It is the thing that this person forgot. In a typical sentence, the object follows right after the verb. A noun that follows a preposition, like the noun "sports" in the phrase "about sports" or the noun "lemon" in the phrase "with lemon," is also called an "object," or an "object of a preposition." [1/5 definitions]
old-time of, concerning, or typical of a time in the past.