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agree to come to an understanding or a shared decision. [1/5 definitions]
agreement the act of coming to a common understanding or of agreeing. [3/4 definitions]
ah a word used to express surprise, joy, pain, understanding, dislike, and other feelings.
apparent clear to one's understanding; obvious. [1/3 definitions]
apprehension the act of understanding without studying. [1/3 definitions]
at sea confused; without understanding. [1/2 definitions]
China China is a country in Asia. It is a very large country with many people and many large cities. There are many businesses and factories. China also has mountains and deserts and land for farming. Some of the greatest rivers in the world flow through China. Because China is so big, people in different parts of China speak different types of their language. People cannot always understand each other when they speak. But when people write, there is no problem with understanding because the way of writing is the same everywhere in China.
Christian A Christian is a believer in the religion of Christianity. Christians believe there is one powerful God who created the world and everything in it. Christians believe that Jesus Christ, a person who lived 2000 years ago, is the son of God. Christians believe that Jesus Christ brought understanding of God to human beings and taught people how to please God by being good to others. [1/2 definitions]
comprehension the act, process, or result of comprehending; understanding.
confuse to cause misunderstanding, or to make understanding difficult or impossible; mix up; bewilder. [1/2 definitions]
dawn When something dawns on you, it means that some idea or understanding suddenly enters your mind. [1/5 definitions]
exploration Exploration is the act of discovering things about a new subject. It is asking questions, getting answers, and trying to get a clear understanding. Exploration is a kind of investigating. [1/2 definitions]
flash a sudden burst of feelings, talent, or understanding. [1/7 definitions]
gather to come to an understanding based on evidence; conclude. [1/5 definitions]
grasp the power of holding, understanding, or controlling. [1/4 definitions]
grip a good understanding of something. [1/6 definitions]
head mind; intellect; understanding. [1/10 definitions]
idiom a phrase that cannot be understood by understanding the meanings of each of its words. The phrase "fall out," meaning "have a disagreement," is an idiom.
inkling a blurry or partial idea or understanding.
insensitive without concern for or understanding of the feelings of others.
interpretation the act or process of explaining or understanding the meaning of something. [1/2 definitions]