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hum to vibrate with a continuous low sound. [1/4 definitions]
jar2 a crash or shock that causes something to shake or vibrate; jolt. [1/4 definitions]
pulse1 to vibrate or beat; throb. [1/3 definitions]
reed a small strip of cane or metal set into the mouthpiece of some wind instruments. A player blows through the mouthpiece to make the reed vibrate and produce sound. [1/2 definitions]
shake to cause to tremble; vibrate. [1/10 definitions]
vocal cords Your vocal cords are part of your body. They are bands of muscle tissue that are located just at the top of your windpipe. Your vocal cords are what allow you to speak, sing, or make other sounds with your voice. When you breathe, the vocal cords stay open to let air through. When you speak, your vocal cords come together and vibrate as air moves through them. The vibrating of the vocal cords makes the sound of your voice.