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Children's Dictionary
expectation the act of waiting for or looking forward to. [1/2 definitions]
first aid emergency medical help given to a hurt or sick person while waiting for a doctor.
jail a building in which a government keeps people who are waiting for a trial or who have been found guilty of breaking the law. [1/2 definitions]
lobby a hall or open room inside the entrance of a hotel, theater, or other large building. It is often used as a waiting room. [1/3 definitions]
queue a line, usually of people, waiting for something. People often get into a queue to buy something or to enter something like a theater or a bus.
reception the British word for the area near a reception desk which is designed for waiting and for meeting people. "Reception" has the same meaning as "lobby." [1/6 definitions]
strike while the iron is hot to take advantage of an opportunity without waiting.
wait the act, instance, or period of waiting. [1/5 definitions]